Imaginative Ways to Save Money A-Z

Monday, February 22, 2010


Every cent counts and is the beginning of a dollar.  Every dollar gets met closer to my goal of paying off the house quicker, and paying off the house quicker gets me closer to investing in more properties.  With this in mind, I try to use cash when paying for purchases or paying bills.

If I pay my telephone bill by credit card, I am charged $1.14 for the honor.  If I pay for my groceries by credit card at Aldi, I have to pay a percentage of my purchase for that pleasure.  However, if I use cash, I save those few extra dollars here and there and those dollars can be put toward the interest on my mortgage. Simply by using cash instead of credit card, we could save $10 or more on charges.

Plus, rather than getting a big bill at the end of the month for my credit card, the money comes out as it is spent.  Luckily we are able to pay off our credit card each month, but if we didn't then there would be credit card interest as an additional expense to consider.

We are now paying cash wherever possible to save on these unnecessary expenses.

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